The managerial function of planning has certain unique characteristics of its own, which distinguish it from the other managerial functions. It also shares a few characteristics with other managerial functions. All the characteristics together reflect the nature of the planning function. They are discussed below: 1. The primacy of planning: Planning precedes all other managerial functions. The process of management Read More …

Status of Office Manager

A large variety of equipment and ‘machines are used in modern offices for performing different operations. These may be broadly classified into three groups as follows: 1. Copying and duplicating machines: These machines help in getting multiple copies of a document. The common examples of such machines are typewriters, duplicators, addressing machines and photocopying machines. 2. Accounting, tabulating and computing Read More …

What is Decentralisation in Office Manangement

Decentralisation implies the location of office activities in different functional departments. It refers to departmentation of office services that is the dispersal of activities in different departments. Merits: Decentralisation is beneficial in the following ways: Secrecy of business affairs can be ensured if records are handled and filed on the department dealing with the matters. Greater efficiency output and lower Read More …

Use of Facsimile (Fax) in Businesses

Facsimile (or FAX) has established itself as an effective means of rapid transmission of images such as pictures and drawings. Fax involves scanning of graphic information, converting it into signal waves and then taking these signals to the destination and produce a copy of the image at the destination. The signal waves are transmitted in any of the communication media Read More …