FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an investment made by a company or individual in one country in business interests in another country. Thus,  if a foreign individual or institution invest in business interest in India, the investment will be known as FDI. It can be in the form of directly establishing a new business(greenfield investment) or in Read More …


 TYPES OF UNDERWRITING different types of underwriting are as follows: Firm underwriting: Firm underwriting is an underwriting agreement where an underwriter agrees to buy a definite number of shares or debentures in addition to the shares or debentures he has already promised to  subscribe under the underwriting agreement. In firm underwriting, the underwriters are liable to take up the agreed number Read More …


UNDERWRITING When a company offers shares to the public, it is mandatory requirement that minimum subscription must be achieved. Minimum subscription means that at least or more than 90% of the issue must be subscribed. If the minimum subscription is not achieved then the company has to return the amount received on the application and the issue will go in vain. the Read More …