Personal selling is an important component of the promotional mix. It is a means for implementing marketing programs.  Personal selling facilitates interaction बी  a salesman and a buyer so that the need of the buyer could be understood well and the salesman could serve the buyer according to his need. We can say that personal selling is a broader concept than salesmanship.


Salesmanship, on the other hand, is just an art of selling. It is an art of successfully persuading prospects or customers to buy products from which they can derive suitable benefits. Salesmanship is all about skills required by the salesman to understand the need and emotions of the prospect and offering him various information, options and benefit to satisfy their need. Thus, we can say that personal selling includes salesmanship.


It is all about managing all activities related with the sales of the business. It involves marketing, advertising, pricing etc. Through sales management only, a company keeps track record of target sales and actual sales. it involves management of sales operations, formulation of sales strategies and preparing sales analysis. Sales managers in the sales department is the responsible authority for sales management. The sales manager has to look after marketing strategies, has to manage the salesforce and has to organize personal selling efforts. Thus, sales management is ultimately responsible for planning, organizing, directing and controlling personal selling efforts also for recruitment, selection, training, supervision and motivation of the personal sales force.


1. Meaning Personal selling is an act of engaging with customers to persuade them to buy the product. It is an act of being employed as a salesperson. Salesmanship is an art and skill of initiating selling efforts. Sales management is an act of planning, controlling, directing and coordinating the sales process.
2. Flexibility It is most flexible as the messages could be changed according to the customer’s needs. It is comparatively less flexible than personal selling. It is least flexible as the rules and policies are formed and followed strictly.
3. Reach Only one or two customers can be dealt in one time. An only a limited number of persons can be contacted. It reaches to masses in the form of advertising and other marketing communications.
4. Cost per person Cost per person is high as limited persons can be reached at a given time. Cost is comparatively lower than personal selling. Cost per person is very less.
5. Coverage It takes a long time to cover the market. It takes comparatively less time to cover the market. It takes medium time to cover the market.
6. Media It does not make use of mass media. Makes comparatively less use of mass media. Makes use of mass media.
7. Feedback Direct feedback can be collected from customers. Indirect feedback can be collected. Feedback is not possible because customers are not involved.
8. Useful for More useful for industrial and customized product. More useful for a technical product. Useful for all kinds of product.
9. Scope Personal selling is a part of sales management and the scope of personal selling is narrower than sales management. Salesmanship is included under personal selling. Sales management has a broader scope as it guides both personal selling and salesmanship efforts.
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