Prospects usually show resistance against buying products by pointing out real or imaginary hurdles and by voicing objections. In other words, objections are the feelings of disapproval or dissent raised by the prospects. It has been rightly pointed out that without handling objections the salesman cannot sell anything to the prospects. Therefore, the success of a salesman depends on how well he handles objections efficiently and tactfully.


  1. People normally display resistance to new and unfamiliar ideas and goods. Therefore,
    many consumers raise objections in the normal course.
  2. Certain prospects raise objections as they are not 100% sure about the product or service offered, i.e, they are only partially satisfied and are waiting for more explanation, classifications, additional features about the sales proposition.
  3. Some prospects also raise objections to test the salesman’s knowledge and patience.
  4. Under certain instances, the prospects raise objections either to postpone buying or because the prospects lack the required purchasing power.
  5. Prospects raise objections if the salesman is unable to identify their need or if they come across the salesman pressurizing them or using unfair means to sell the product.
  6. Some prospects find objections as a means to avoid salesman.
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